Contact us: 533 387 888 (Customer service hours: 10am - 4pm)

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Contact us by phone or via email providing us with description of problem you have encountered.

How can I contact the company?

In case of any questions, comments or doubts, please contact us by phone, e-mail or send us a message on Facebook or Instagram.
phone.: (22) 161 54 55

Facebook ForPro
Instagram ForPro

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Where can I find the regulations on the website?

Every documents on ForPro can be found in the "INFORMATION", "HELP" and "ADDITIONS" sections in the footer at the bottom of the page or in the "Menu" on the mobile version.

How long has ForPro been operating?

ForPro company has been providing amateur sportsmen and professionals with the best available sports equipment since 2011. Many customers know the company from Legia, where it started its operations in 2011, but currently we offer a sports assortment with a location in Wilanów as well as in the online store. More information about the company can be found in the About us section.